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Desert City Gates - ec4c8902f4d0e910fcd8faa18aa07806

Desert City Gates

Product Information



Welcome to the bustling gates of a Desert City, where merchants, travelers, and thrill-seekers cross paths. Beyond these gates, winding alleys and market squares offer street vendors selling exotic goods, hidden cantinas buzzing with locals, and high-tech garages for starship repairs. The city’s layered design features elevated paths and shadowed alcoves—perfect for evading the watchful eyes of patrolling troopers or planning a swift getaway. Your party might come seeking resources, information, or perhaps just a moment of respite from the desert’s harshness. But remember: not everyone here is a friend, and trouble often lurks in the shadows.

The Desert City Gates map pack contains 22 files

Map size 25 × 37
Variations Original Day, Original Night, Aurora Day, Aurora Night, Blizzard, Clean Day, Clean Night, Emerald Day, Emerald Night, Emerald Rain, Grassy Day, Grassy Night, Grassy Rain, Massacre, Sandstorm, Sellia Day, Sellia Night, Sellia Rain, Snow, Venus Day, Venus Night, Venus Rain
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