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Abyssal Fall (+3)
Abyssal Fall (+3)
Dead Angel Reef (+21)
Dead Angel Reef (+21)
Eldritch Church (+5)
Eldritch Church (+5)
Fairy Treetop Village (+19)
Fairy Treetop Village (+19)
Grand Cathedral Interior (+6)
Grand Cathedral Interior (+6)
Hell's Cocktail Lounge (+19)
Hell's Cocktail Lounge (+19)
Hell's Tax Office (+9)
Hell's Tax Office (+9)
Hellfire Prison (+15)
Hellfire Prison (+15)
Impending Waterfall
Impending Waterfall
Imperial Bath Complex (+1)
Imperial Bath Complex (+1)
Japanese Castle Exterior
Japanese Castle Exterior
Magisters Market
Magisters Market
Royal Throne Room (+2)
Royal Throne Room (+2)
Solar Cathedral (+5)
Solar Cathedral (+5)
Ages of the Vale: Inn (+2)
Ages of the Vale: Inn (+2)
Airships! Pt. 3 (+1)
Airships! Pt. 3 (+1)
Alchemy Dungeon (+1)
Alchemy Dungeon (+1)
Ancient Battlefield (+1)
Ancient Battlefield (+1)
Ancient Tech Treasury (+1)
Ancient Tech Treasury (+1)
Arcane Clocktower
Arcane Clocktower
Archaeological Dig
Archaeological Dig
Astral Plane
Astral Plane
Baba Yaga's Domain (+2)
Baba Yaga's Domain (+2)
Badger Hill
Badger Hill
Banshee Moor (+1)
Banshee Moor (+1)
Bone Dryad Ossuary (+4)
Bone Dryad Ossuary (+4)
Bone Mill Exterior (+3)
Bone Mill Exterior (+3)
Burial Barrow
Burial Barrow
Caravan Roadblock
Caravan Roadblock
Cave Temple
Cave Temple
Celestial Chapel (+2)
Celestial Chapel (+2)
Celestial Chapel Interior (+2)
Celestial Chapel Interior (+2)
Celestial Gate
Celestial Gate
Celestial Realm (+19)
Celestial Realm (+19)
Celestial Tome (+21)
Celestial Tome (+21)
Chrono Chaos Ruins (+3)
Chrono Chaos Ruins (+3)
Chthonic Lighthouse
Chthonic Lighthouse
Clockwork Dragon Lair Exterior
Clockwork Dragon Lair Exterior
Colosseum of Challenges
Colosseum of Challenges
Coral Throne
Coral Throne
Court of Justice (+1)
Court of Justice (+1)
Dark Woods Edge
Dark Woods Edge
Deep Sea Hatching Chamber (+1)
Deep Sea Hatching Chamber (+1)
Depths of the Festerwood (+1)
Depths of the Festerwood (+1)
Desert Ruins (+1)
Desert Ruins (+1)
Djinn Gardens
Djinn Gardens
Dracolich Lair (+1)
Dracolich Lair (+1)
Dragon's Hoard
Dragon's Hoard
Drakescale Peak
Drakescale Peak
Dwarven Throne Hall
Dwarven Throne Hall
Elven Magitech Portal (+2)
Elven Magitech Portal (+2)
Experimental Surgery Theatre (+1)
Experimental Surgery Theatre (+1)
Fallen Ancient Tree (+1)
Fallen Ancient Tree (+1)
Fey Tavern (+21)
Fey Tavern (+21)
Fey Village (+11)
Fey Village (+11)
Fjordside Cabin
Fjordside Cabin
Flooded Fey Ruins (+1)
Flooded Fey Ruins (+1)
Forest Shrine Festival
Forest Shrine Festival
Forgotten Chapel Crypt
Forgotten Chapel Crypt
Forgotten Chapel Graveyard
Forgotten Chapel Graveyard
Fortified Dam
Fortified Dam
Grand Cathedral
Grand Cathedral
Grand Duke's Plaza
Grand Duke's Plaza
Grand Hunter's House (+1)
Grand Hunter's House (+1)
Green Dragon Lair
Green Dragon Lair
Gryphon Roost Inn
Gryphon Roost Inn
Hanging Gardens
Hanging Gardens
Haunted Ghost Ship Exterior (+5)
Haunted Ghost Ship Exterior (+5)
Haunted Ghost Ship Interior (+5)
Haunted Ghost Ship Interior (+5)
Hidden Witch's Hut
Hidden Witch's Hut
Imperial Graveyard (+6)
Imperial Graveyard (+6)
Medieval Jail
Medieval Jail
Medusa's Wake (+1)
Medusa's Wake (+1)
Megalith Gate (+1)
Megalith Gate (+1)
Merfolk Marina (+1)
Merfolk Marina (+1)
Modular Caves
Modular Caves
Monster Fighting Pit
Monster Fighting Pit
Monster Genealogy Lab
Monster Genealogy Lab
Monster Hunter Restaurant
Monster Hunter Restaurant
Mountain Monastery (+1)
Mountain Monastery (+1)
Mountaintop Observatory
Mountaintop Observatory
Mycelial Gate
Mycelial Gate
Necropolis Entrance (+1)
Necropolis Entrance (+1)
Nightmare Dragon Lair (+8)
Nightmare Dragon Lair (+8)
Nymph Fountain (+2)
Nymph Fountain (+2)
Oni Hideout (+2)
Oni Hideout (+2)
Opulent Ballroom (+1)
Opulent Ballroom (+1)
Overground Dwarven City Center
Overground Dwarven City Center
Overgrown Magic Forest (+5)
Overgrown Magic Forest (+5)
Palace Guard Chambers
Palace Guard Chambers
Pastoral Village Stables
Pastoral Village Stables
Peaceful Village Church
Peaceful Village Church
Peaceful Village Church Interior
Peaceful Village Church Interior
Pharaoh's Tomb (+2)
Pharaoh's Tomb (+2)
Plague Hospital (+1)
Plague Hospital (+1)
Quaint Village School (+2)
Quaint Village School (+2)
Rebel Camp (+1)
Rebel Camp (+1)
Riverwood Toll Castle
Riverwood Toll Castle
Ruined Courtyard (+6)
Ruined Courtyard (+6)
Rusty Robot Lake (+1)
Rusty Robot Lake (+1)
Secret Fey Fountain (+8)
Secret Fey Fountain (+8)
Secret Sailor Lair
Secret Sailor Lair
Shadowfell Fortress Bridge (+9)
Shadowfell Fortress Bridge (+9)
Shadowfell Fortress Interior (+16)
Shadowfell Fortress Interior (+16)
Smuggler's Fen (+1)
Smuggler's Fen (+1)
Spider Queen Throne
Spider Queen Throne
Steamy Japanese Bathhouse
Steamy Japanese Bathhouse
The Forbidden Gates (+3)
The Forbidden Gates (+3)
Tomb of Sand (+1)
Tomb of Sand (+1)
Train Station Platforms
Train Station Platforms
Tutelary Turtle Island
Tutelary Turtle Island
Underground Dwarven City Centre (+1)
Underground Dwarven City Centre (+1)
Victorian Greenhouse (+7)
Victorian Greenhouse (+7)
Village Blacksmith
Village Blacksmith
War Room Exterior
War Room Exterior
Wild West Saloon (+3)
Wild West Saloon (+3)
Wizard Prison Pt. 1 (+2)
Wizard Prison Pt. 1 (+2)
Wizard Prison Pt. 2 (+4)
Wizard Prison Pt. 2 (+4)
Wizard Prison Pt. 3 (+1)
Wizard Prison Pt. 3 (+1)
Wizard Prison Pt. 4 (+1)
Wizard Prison Pt. 4 (+1)
Wizard Prison Pt. 5 (+2)
Wizard Prison Pt. 5 (+2)
Wizard Vault (+5)
Wizard Vault (+5)
Yggdrasil Branch Overlook
Yggdrasil Branch Overlook
Yggdrasil Roots (+1)
Yggdrasil Roots (+1)
Yggdrasil Treetop (+3)
Yggdrasil Treetop (+3)